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Download Plastic Font

Plastic is a monospace variable font inspired “Céčka fever”, a phenomenon of collecting C-shaped plastic hooks in 80's Czechoslovakia. Typeface is based on four master styles: Chain Black, Chain Thin, Simple Black and Simple Thin. The design of the “Chain” styles enables 3D printing as the individual characters can be easily connected through a special character gaps made of serifs at the end of strokes or by splitting up the round shapes e.g.“o” and “g”. On the other hand the “Simple” styles have no such feature and they are better suited for longer texts and small text sizes. The variable format enables interpolation between four extremes on two axes: stroke weight and length of serifs. Plastic is a font with an array of styles and combinations that allows the user to freely select the weight and length of serifs according to individual needs. Fonts also include stylistic sets of expanded uppercase and digits and other alternates. See the PDF specimen for more details and opentype features.

Published by Jitka & Ivana
Download Plastic