Tag: Zoo

Alien Zoo Font

A long time a go in a far distant galaxy… This font has the appeal of looking like long lost alphabet. With overtones of of sci-fi added for good measure this type face will complete your design with a historic,

Fuzz Ball Font

It’s a cutsie, cuddly, warm font for the pet lover in you. If you like all things cute then this font should help bring out the best in all your designs! For cute cats, fuzzy dogs and tiny hamsters everywhere

Zoological Font

Zoological is a playful typeface designed for use with zoo signage. The zoo characters form bold, characteristic headlines and many can be used as individual illustrations. You can also combine Zoological with VAG Rounded Bold to enhance large blocks of

Kaboom Font

Kaboom family contains 80 handmade glyphs depicting animals. It consists of two varieties: black as an outline and regular – with details. Inside you'll find monkeys, fish, birds, deer, pandas and other animals from the real world and fairy-tale. Illustrations

Design Font Wildlife Font

Take a walk on the wild side with this exuberant collection of animals by New York City designer David Sagorski. These beguiling pen and ink beings cover the entire range from insects, reptiles, amphibians and sea creatures to birds, mammals

Neuerland Font

Neuerland is an attempt to update Rudolf Koch’s traditional hand-cut display typeface, adding ligatures and alternate characters inspired by the forms of Herb Lubalin and Tom Carnase’s Avant Garde. Published by WordshapeDownload Neuerland