Tag: genuine

Sugar Cane Font

Machetes by the millions, cutting Sugar Cane like straw, overgrown in the tropical sun. La Gran Zafra: a whole country stacking sticky sticks in their GDP tally, mobilized behind a ten million ton harvest. Published by BLKBKDownload Sugar Cane

1509 Leyden Font

This blackletter font was created inspired from the set who was used in Leyden by Jan Seversz to print “Breviores elegantioresque epistolae […]”, by author Francesco Filfelo, circa 1509. The original font contains all lower case characters, excepted w, eth,

1805 Jaeck Map Font

This “Pro” font is mainly inspired from the engraved characters of a German Map depicting Germany’s roads and parts of surrounding lands, edited in Berlin probably in the end of 1700’s. The engraver was Carl Jaeck or Jaek (1763-1808). The

1543 Humane Jenson Font

In 1543 the well-known “De humani corporis fabrica” treatise on anatomy by André Vesale, was printed by Johann Oporinus in Basel (Switzerland). Various typefaces were used for this work, mostly in Latin but including Greek characters. Its Jenson-type font was

1776 Independence Font

1776 Independence was designed inspired mainly from the font used by John Dunlap in the night of 1776 July 4th in Philadelphia to print the first 200 sheets of the Congress’ Declaration of Independence establishing the United States of America.

1785 GLC Baskerville Pro Font

This family was created inspired from the well-known Baskerville Roman and Italic typefaces created by John Baskerville, the English font designer. We were inspired from the original family sent by Baskerville’s wife after he was death. The Baskerville’s full collection

1689 GLC Garamond Pro Font

This family was created inspired from a Garamond pattern set of fonts used for an edition of “Remarques critiques sur les œuvres d’Horace” by “D.A.E.P.” published in Paris in 1689 by two different booksellers : Deny Thierry and Claude Barbin.

1529 Champ Fleury Pro Font

In 1529, Geofroy Tory, French scholar, engraver, printer, publisher and poet, was publishing the well known so called “Champ Fleury”, printed by Gilles de Gourmond, in Paris. It is a fully illustrated handbook where the author explain how to drawn

1491 Cancellaresca Font

This font was created inspired from the very well known humanistic script called Cancellaresca. Published by Gilles Le CorreDownload 1491 Cancellaresca

1786 GLC Fournier Font

This family was created inspired from numerous documents and books printed in Paris during the end of the 1700s. Mainly, documents printed by P.G. Simon & N.H. Nyon, “Printers of the parliament” were used for the Normal and italic styles

1913 Typewriter Font

This font was created from the characters of a genuine old 1913 small portable typewriter. It looks like those early typescripts, rough, irregular and eroded, suggestive of mythical famous authors, such as Hemingway, as well as “serie noire” movies or

Handy Labels Font

With this template set you can make endless tags, shopping sale designs, discounts or anything you want. Handy Labels is a bunch of 26 different layered and customizable vector clip arts. They are easily accessible through a set of 3

Smart Labels Font

With this template set you can make endless tags, shopping sale designs, discounts or anything you want. After Handy Labels, Smart Labels is another bunch of 26 different layered and customizable vector clip arts. They are easily accessible through a