Tag: america

Saa Font

Massive letters on reflective green signs, offering direction and distance to everywhere–if you’ve driven a vehicle in the United States, you’ve seen SAA, which was designed in 1980 as a clone of the U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) series of

P22 FLLW Terracotta Font

The lettering and 100 Extras for this font set, the third in P22's Wright series, derive from letterforms and decorative embellishments found in Wright's early work (1893-1910) and in his book, The House Beautiful (1896-97). Wright based his delicate graphic

Nisswa Font

Nisswa was inspired by the over abundance of cowboy-style signage in Northern Minnesota. These two styles are interchangeable for an authentic hand-picked effect. From graffiti to selling cowboy hats, Nisswa gets the job done right. Published by Sparky TypeDownload Nisswa

YWFT Pixacao Font

YWFT Pixacao is a type design inspired by the Brazilian Pixacao graffiti style and 1980’s American metal band logos. It is composed of sharp, geometric, and rhythmic diagonals capable of creating compelling patterns and interesting combinations of letter forms. YWFT

URW Wood Type Font

Wood Type has so much western flavor, you’d think it walked out of a printing shop in a Clint Eastwood movie. Ok, thats a crazy explanation, but you get the point, this is one wicked and wild woodtype. Pew Pew