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Download Tati Font

I only had this bouncy curve and a photograph of a daily menue (Truite Meunière) I took outside an obscure Paris restaurant when starting the design of this font. But while working on it I suddenly started thinking about “Jaques Tati” the famous but almost forgotten french director of “Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot, Jour des Fêtes, Mon Oncle, Playtime, Trafic aso.”.

I thought about his bouncy walk and his hilarious ideas. The memories never left me while working on the font, so I decided to name the font after this great french moviemaker who gave me so many happy hours. Since Tati was a very funny character, I gave my characters a funny price. Thank you Jaques Tati, yours Gert Wiescher

Published by Wiescher Design
Download Tati