Tag: spanish

TT Octas Font

TT Octas is a narrowly proportioned font family built upon the principle of octagonal forms: all circles in this font family are actually octagons. Thanks to small serifs, TT Octas has a saturated and vintage character to it. Simple depiction

TT Blushes Font

Glitter, flashing cameras and fame – now you know how to deal with this stuff! Freshness and brightness is what defines the Blushes fontfamily, which is created for beauty and fashion industries. TT Blushes is a vibrant part of you

Vermut Font

Vermut font is build by the famous spanish toothpicks called “palillos”. This object is very typical in bars where you can have vermouth. It comes with 3 versions from regular to a more drunk weight. This display font is designed

Pacifico Font

The Pacifico family uses OpenType features to substitute in a unique pair of glyphs when any upper or lower case character is keyed twice in a row, and includes a Shadow version that can be overlapped with Pacifico Alternate to

Madrid Font

Designed by Steve Jackaman, Madrid is based on the typeface Nacional by Carlos Winkow from the Spanish foundry, Nacional (1941). Published by Red RoosterDownload Madrid

YWFT Pello Font

At first glance, YWFT Pello might appear to be something from the tonalpohualli, and may inspire a pilgrimage to Teotihuacán. However, after a few moments (and perhaps a quick sacrifice to Quetzalcoatl for good measure), you should begin to see

Manuel Pro Font

Manuel, a simple, almost mathematically constructed typeface, includes stylistic alternates for a number of upper case characters. This comes in very helpful when designing logos. Manuel is a very charming, self-confident and exciting typeface design. The idea was to try

P22 Numismatic Font

Originally offered by the Devinne Press in the early 1900s, the Numismatic typeface features the letters, Arabic figures and ornaments used by designers and engravers of seal, coins, medals and inscriptions upon metal or stone during the fifteenth and sixteenth

Peleguer Font

Peleguer typeface is the reinterpretation of the characters that the valencias goldsmiths Peleguer Manuel, father and son had opened and merged between 1779 and 1783 on behalf of the Royal Economic Society of Friends of the Land of Valencia “in

Traffic Type Font

Originally designed in 1980, Traffic Type is a font family of 2 sans-serifs and 1 serif. The fonts are European in style, inspired by highway and interstate signage of Spain, Sweden and Luxembourg. These fonts work great in multiple mediums,

Zinjaro Font

The clever design of Zinjaro effectively captures elements of both African and Latin American art in its letterforms. A combination of decorated and solid capital strokes gives it an exciting, unpredictable appearance in word settings. An array of devices and

Enyo Serif Font

Enyo is a decorative, display, serif handwritten font. This font will provide an informal look to your work! It can be used for small ammount of text, and specially for display usage because of its glyph quality. Enyo offers OpenType