Tag: romanesque

Uncial Antiqua Pro Font

Our Uncial Antiqua Pro is a hybrid typeface which combines the speedier penned styles of Uncial and Half Uncial letterforms together in a formal text representation. Signature letterforms to the Uncial & Half Uncial styles are not sacrificed in this

Steinburg Modern Font

Steinburg Modern™ is largely a variation on a Garamond-styled typeface with differences in some character designs and in the overall character proportions. In addition, the curved brackets that were a distinctive part of Garamond’s 16th century design are perhaps the

Testament Font

From the standpoint of calligraphy, a font family of capitals and uncials makes perfect sense. The Roman square capitals, the quadrata, are matched by round capitals of older Greek origin; the word “uncus” means hook-shaped like a beak or talon.

Lionheart Font

Lionheart is the digitization and expansion of Saladin, a neo-gothic typeface designed by Friedrich Poppl, long after he established himself as one of the greatest German designers of all time with some of the most ‘ausgezeichnet’ scripts and text faces