Tag: Middle Ages

Kelyon Font

Kelyon is a sophisticated and modern serif, inspired by the late Middle Ages and early renaissance period. Kelyon was designed with a very thin hairline and long serifs, this reflects the charm and feel of the 14th century. With over

Pickworth Font

Designed by Steve Jackaman & Ashley Muir. An antique, rustic or even mystical design that will grow on you the more you use it. Pickworth contains all the high-end features expected in a quality OpenType Pro font. Published by Red

Fellowship Font

Named in tribute to the members of the American Typecasting Fellowship, this font is an original expression of Jim Rimmer's left-handed calligraphy. It was designed and cut in 24 p in the early 1980s, then cast as foundry type on

Testament Font

From the standpoint of calligraphy, a font family of capitals and uncials makes perfect sense. The Roman square capitals, the quadrata, are matched by round capitals of older Greek origin; the word “uncus” means hook-shaped like a beak or talon.

P22 Dearest Font

Dearest is a distinct flowing script based on handwritten characters found in a 19th Century German book chronicling a history of the Middle Ages Originally released in 2001 as a set containing two styles, Script and Swash, Dearest is now

Lionheart Font

Lionheart is the digitization and expansion of Saladin, a neo-gothic typeface designed by Friedrich Poppl, long after he established himself as one of the greatest German designers of all time with some of the most ‘ausgezeichnet’ scripts and text faces