Tag: denim

Special Touch Font

In a pit of darkness, choked in fog on a black night, comes a clear message. Fingers clasping, lighting nerves and neurons, showing that the way was right here all along. It’s the Special Touch of a trusted companion–your best

Master Works Font

He takes the novice’s hands in his hands and forgives his fumbling. Decades removed from that seat, but only months from his journeyman toil, the Master Works on his apprentice: Shaping hands to shape hands, such that eyes may perceive

Raw Selvage Font

Warp and weft, indigo and white. Stiff trousers of Raw Selvage clad legs of raw sinew, raw bone, or even cooked round. Not for nothing, the hard edge self-supports: A structural arch made textile, made pants to stand to wear.

Vtg Stencil US No 51 Font

The Vtg Stencil font series by astype is based on real world stencils. The US No. 51 design was derived from authentic stencil plates used by the U.S. Army in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Published by astypeDownload Vtg Stencil US

Handy Man Font

Handy Mann verkauft Handys. Er sagt: “Ich gebe Handys für alle möglichen Leute, sie kommen zusammen und den Kontakt genießen, den sie miteinander erleben, durch ihre Handys.” Handy Mann ist ein engagierter Verkäufer, “Wenn ich einen Klienten in meinem Griff

City Work Font

Jackhammers and backup beepers. An inharmonious din. A rumble and a clatter. Night shifts and traffic tie-ups. Garbage men, sewer workers, road crews, and cops. Civil servants in civic servitude. Work the city, make the City Work. Published by BLKBKDownload