Tag: cartoony

Slenderz Font

Slenderz Family is a hand crafted font family designed by Tom Nikosey, an American Graphic Designer specializing in Typographic Design and Illustration. Slenderz is available in Light, Medium & Bold weights CozyFonts Foundry is Tom's intro into the world of

Ds Hand Font

Ds Hand Font Family is a handwritten font designed by Tom Nikosey, based on Danielle Nikosey’s printing style. Tom is an American Graphic Designer specializing in Typographic Design and Illustration. Ds Hand is available in Regular & Bold weights. CozyFonts

Day Dream Font

Day Dream is a font design published by Fonthead. Published by Fonthead Design Inc.Download Day Dream

Toms Finger Family Font

This family is meant to be slightly irregular but very legible in it’s readability at various sized. It is a rounded letter which gives a smooth, warm feel to it’s voice. Great for notecards, letters, informal messages, cartoon balloons, garage

Speener Font

Speener is a handwritten font designed by Tom Nikosey, an American Graphic Designer specializing in Typographic Design and Illustration. Speener is based on his son Spencer’s printing style. “I love the way Spence prints. There’s a loose control in a