Tag: book design

Twogether Sans Font

Twogether Sans builds upon the achievements of Twogether Rounded, creating a more comprehensive system and positioning itself as a suitable choice for general text usage. By removing the rounded elements from each character, Twogether Sans gains increased flexibility and a broader range of possibilities

Honesty Sans Font

Honesty was the first font published by the Studio in 2020. It was a typeface with flared stems. 2 years later, we are now publishing Honesty Sans. It is inspired by the original design but is revisited as a sans

Librum Sans Font

This is the companion sans family to make the Librum serif families work as well as they do. By companion, I do mean stylistically compatible. But mainly, they have the same vertical metrics. So they work very well for run-in

Librum Group Font

Librum is a 4-font text family specifically constructed for its use in book design. Its wider letter spacing works best in body copy sizes from 8-point to 15-point. It is slightly condensed and has several graphics in various rarely used

Bookish Font

This all started with a love for Jenson I know there’re hundreds of variations a on that theme. But, that is where I began, several years ago. How far it came, as usual, as I wandered through the vagaries of